Información acerca de Midpoint One

Cómo funciona

How it works

Buy, sell, rent and offer services from the comfort of wherever you are! 

Sellers, just a few clicks and vwalaa you new local listing is shared among all our members; sometimes even our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts! Depending on the category you choose, you can post local listings with or without our calendar management option such as Per Hour, Day or Night; you can also offer a service (per person, session, service or class) and sell products with or without our online payment option**. Lastly you can post local announcements about what you do.

It's free to signup, create a profile and manage listings*, you only pay 7% every time a member uses any major credit card to purchase something from you with a minimum fee of $0.99 and minimum transaction size of $5; if using PayPal as a checkout option you’ll pay 3% with a minimum fee of $0.79 and minimum transaction size of $5.00 (you must connect your own PayPal account and you’ll be charged additionally by PayPal for any credit card processing fees).  Posting without payment and some announcements are free unless you choose a premium profile or Ad where a monthly fee may apply. (Contact us for more details)

Buyers trust our marketplace since we manually approve  everyone prior to posting any announcements, rentals, products or services.  All transactions have to be confirmed (or declined) by the seller within 3 days in order to avoid autocancellation. Once an order is placed the buyer releases the funds by completing the payment** or waiting until the order autocompletes 2 days after. Afterwards both buyer and seller can leave feedback about their experience with each other.

**IMPORTANT: Stripe payment customers MUST press complete before getting an item shipped or service rendered in order to release the funds to the seller. (This is done for full satisfaction and to avoid disputes with either the service or good purchased)

Before you start buying, selling, renting or promoting goods and services please check the following basic guidelines:

1) Verify your email(s) and account info.

2) Check your profile and add your name and/or company name (if you have one)

3) Add your banking information (and make sure it stays up to date) in order to get paid when other members buy from your listings.

4) Make sure to add as much information as possible to your listings. In case there’s a problem we can always go back and check those details.

5) Please reply to all member questions regarding orders. All accepted orders will autocomplete after 2 days.

6) Help us protect the Marketplace and follow our Terms of Use at all times.

*In order to protect our community we verify all members, please avoid any kind of spamming or your account will be shutdown.