Honey Bee Yard

Meet our bee keepers Jose & Julio, both state of Florida Certified bee keepers to perform a passion that started by mare accident. My family's passion for honey started years ago - says an excited Jose - when we found in our home a natural bee hive; off course we were afraid at first and didn't know what to do with it, but after investigating we relized bees were an endanger species and saw how important they were for our ecosystem, our love started inmediatelly.

We started by word of mouth and gifts to friends, even on my daughter's baby shower my wife and I gave them as a free suvenir - says Jose; but things started to develop shorly after and here we are after 4 years with over 500 bee hives through all Florida.

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49 reseñas recibidas (100% positiva, 49/49)

I will keep buying they know a thing or two

Greyla M sobre el anuncio 2 Pound - Raw & Unfiltered Honey hace 2 años.

Best of the best!

viviana t sobre el anuncio 1 Pound - Raw & Unfiltered Honey hace 2 años.

I have not received my honey! When will it be delivered??

Fiona M sobre el anuncio 2 Pound - Raw & Unfiltered Honey hace 2 años.